Remittances, Fund Transfers & Collection Services

CMB Wing Lung Bank provides diversified payment methods facilitating domestic, cross border and global transactions of enterprises. Customers can arrange electronic payments via our U-BANK@CMBWLB service efficiently without queuing up at bank counter. Using our e-Banking services, customers not only enjoy lower service fees, but also can check transaction records and manage accounts at your fingertips.


Common Payment Methods:

Customers can make HKD/CNY payment 7x24 anytime via payee’s FPS Identifier, mobile phone number or email address. Real-time payments can be conducted on our online platform with low security risk but high operational efficiency.

Reliable and fast interbank payments can be made to domestic accounts at other local banks through the local RTGS network. Supported currencies include HKD, USD, EUR and CNY, which can satisfy the needs of large amount local fund transfer.

Through SWIFT network, fund can be transferred to accounts in beneficiary banks globally in term of a wide variety of currencies.

A two-way remittance service jointly provided by China Merchants Bank (CMB) and CMB Wing Lung Bank supporting HKD & USD fund transfer. Through the connection with CMB network, customers can enjoy fast, low cost and convenient fund transfers to CMB accounts in Mainland China.

Multiple remittance instructions can be submitted efficiently via file upload.

With the support of local payment network, a batch-mode local-payment method is available for making multiple payments with only one deduction. Service charges are minimal amongst various local payment method, and this service is recommended for employee reimbursement and petty payments.

It is an instant and free of charge fund transfer to another bank account in CMB Wing Lung Bank.

“C+ Express Payroll” is a product with the functions of creating payroll instructions and creating MPF instructions. Corporate customers create payroll instructions and MPF instructions in U-BANK@CMBWLB. The services provide real-time and preset instructions for both payroll and MPF. Email notification is applicable for the payee.

Learn More
For details, please contact our relationship manager.
Risk Disclosure Statements
  • Above services are subjected to relevant terms and conditions. For inquiries, please call the Customer Service Hotline at 852-2309 5555 or contact your relationship manager.
  • The above pictures are for reference only.
  • Remittance involving foreign exchange may be impacted by fluctuation of exchange rate.
  • CMB refers to China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. in Mainland China, which is subject to the supervision and regulation of Mainland China and regulates the operation of its business in Mainland China.

CMB Wing Lung Bank inward remittance service associates with major banking network globally, supporting multi-currency, comprehensive channels, secure and efficient fund transfer. Corporate customers can inquire transaction records through UBANK@ CMBWLB anytime.

For information related to currencies and correspondent banks of inward remittance, please refer to this page.

FPS QR Code Collection Service aims to support high volume payment collection needs of local businesses such as retail, healthcare, property management or insurance.
Corporate customers provides FPS QR Codes to the payers while payers can use their mobile banking app to scan the QR code and make instant FPS payments. With the support of FPS, Corporates can receive local HKD/CNY payment on 7x24 basis with notification and trace transactions online.

FPS QR Code Collection Service

CMB Wing Lung Bank supports corporate customers to generate FPS QR Codes to facilitate payment collection. Customers can upload data files including bill numbers via U-BANK@CMBWLB and generate multiple QR codes for payment collection. Typically an invoice containing the corresponding QR code is provided to a payer. Once the payer has paid by scanning the QR code, the payment record including payer information and the bill number can be inquired online, confirming the bill has been paid. It is a convenient and cost-effective collection solution for corporates especially the service charge is waived during current promotion period.

*Fees may be adjusted according to change of business situation, please contact your relationship manager for more details.
#CNY transactions are subjected to exchange rate fluctuation.

Payee customers can initiate payment collection from payers by sending HKD or CNY Direct Debit instructions via U-BANK@CMBWLB in real-time or batch mode basis. Collection records can be inquired online to facilitate account receivable reconciliation. As service fee is competitive, our Direct Debit service benefits corporates having high volume collection needs.

FPS Direct Debit Service

Corporates can submit Direct Debit instructions containing collection amount, payer information and choose the execution date. Regular payments from multiple payers, such as tuition fee and management fee, can be collected with the aid of this service. Real-time Direct Debit is also an ideal solution for Security companies to enable investors’ instant account top-up.

Moreover, FPS supports electronic Direct Debit Authorization (eDDA) setup, which can accompany Direct Debit to realize the whole collection process online. Manual operation cost can be significantly reduced.

*Fees may be adjusted according to change of business situation, please contact your relationship manager for more details.
#CNY transactions are subjected to exchange rate fluctuation.

For details, please contact our relationship manager.
Risk Disclosure Statements
  • Above services are subjected to relevant terms and conditions. For inquiries, please call the Customer Service Hotline at 852-2309 5555 or contact your relationship manager.
  • The risk of loss associated with the volatile movement in foreign exchange market can be substantial. Participants should have a thorough understanding of the market and should be aware of the risk of foreign exchange investment.
  • The above images are for reference only.