Corporate Integrated Payment Solution Corporate Integrated Payment Solution
Global Cash Management @CMBWLB Global Cash Management @CMBWLB
Host-to-Host@CMBWLB Host-to-Host@CMBWLB
Be careful of malware scams and screen sharing

Stay alert when you are invited to redeem special offers by opening links or downloading APPs as they may contain malware. Never grant full control of your phone or screen sharing unless you’re absolutely certain. View more security tips.

Be careful of malware scams and screen sharing

Stay alert when you are invited to redeem special offers by opening links or downloading APPs as they may contain malware. Never grant full control of your phone or screen sharing unless you’re absolutely certain. View more security tips.

Stay alert and watch out for phishing SMSes, emails, bogus calls and fraudulent websites

We would never send any SMS or email with a link requesting you to log on to U-BANK@CMBWL or cancel transactions. View more security tips.

Stay alert and watch out for phishing SMSes, emails, bogus calls and fraudulent websites

We would never send any SMS or email with a link requesting you to log on to U-BANK@CMBWL or cancel transactions. View more security tips.

Never engage with third parties and intermediaries

While opening your CMB Wing Lung Bank Corprate Banking Account, please don’t share your information with third parties, or engage with any intermediaries. Contact our branch in case of any queries.

Never engage with third parties and intermediaries

While opening your CMB Wing Lung Bank Corprate Banking Account, please don’t share your information with third parties, or engage with any intermediaries. Contact our branch in case of any queries.

Cash Management

Cash Management

Diversified cash management products and services, included corporate deposits, remittances and transfers, corporate liquidity management, etc.

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Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance

Comprehensive corporate financing services, covering corporate loans, capital market financing, trade financing and asset protection, etc.

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Global Custody

Global Custody

An international asset custody service platform, included Custody for offshore bond, Fund Custody and Administration Services, RQFII, Bond Trustee and Agency Services, Agent of H Shares Dividend Distribution, Escrow Agent Services.

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Financial Markets

Financial Markets

Tailor-made proposals to greatly improve clients’ business efficiency, include currency exchange, bond trading and yield enhancement operations, hedging strategies etc.

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e-Banking Services

e-Banking Services

Experience the new corporate e-banking service to take care of your 24/7 financial management needs.

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