SWIFT Direct

SWIFT* Direct as one of the CMBWLB global cash management services, SWIFT Direct provides multinational enterprises with standardized account information enquiry and reliable fund transfer services.

Provide SWIFT MT940/942 sending and receiving services. MT940/942 includes day-end or day-time amount and transaction details of our bank accounts respectively. The specific SWIFT address can be received the bank account details through MT 940/942.

SWIFT Direct – Hong Kong Treasury Center

Provide SWIFT MT940/942 receiving service, combine the other bank account details through U-BANK@CMBWLB Services. Easy control the amount of branch companies account in other bank.

SWIFT Direct – Subsidiary bank account

The bank support MT 101 message service for the cross-border enterprises to apply transaction and TT instruction.

SWIFT is a global organization and the world’s leading secure financial messaging service provider. It provides messaging platforms and communication standards, and provide products and services in the fields of connectivity, integration, identification, data analysis and compliance.

For more information, please contact our relationship managers.
Risk Disclosure Statements
  • The above images are for reference only.
  • The above services are subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the respective services. For enquiries, please call our customer service hotline at 852-2309 5555 or contact our account managers.
  • Since the host to host solution is an automated process directly from the customer system to the bank system, authorization and authentication within the customer are very important.