Virtual Trading Manager

Virtual Trading Manager is a transaction banking service provided by our bank for account classification management of corporate financial affairs based on customer needs, providing company with efficient and intelligent accounting and auxiliary reconciliation services.

Create a virtual account on your own for flexible accounting and easy payment

The corporate company can set up sub-ledger units (virtual account unit) under the corporate account, which can be used to identify receipts and payments. In terms of transaction, supports customers making and collecting payments through “settlement account + sub-ledger unit” for ledger accounts management.

Services Advantages

Easy to open icon

Easy to open

Customers can set up virtual accounting units and all related settings by themselves via “U-BANK@CMBWLB Services ”.

Easy to manage icon

Easy to manage

Effectively supporting company to carry out refined management.

Easy accounting icon

Easy accounting

Covers all payment channels and transaction scenarios, enables convenient accounting and reconciliation.

For details, please contact our relationship manager.
Risk Disclosure Statements

The above services are subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the respective services. For enquiries, please call our customer service hotline at 852-2309 5555 or contact our relationship manager.