HK Stocks Combine-trade Offer
From 1 April 2014, customers can enjoy “HK Stocks Combine-trade Offer” when buying the same HK stock (or selling the same HK stock) via the same channel within a trade day. The related transactions will be combined as a single buy transaction (or a single sell transaction) automatically to calculate the required brokerage fee. Minimum brokerage charge will not be a constraint when you want to buy or sell stocks partially by stages. This also allows you to plan investment strategies flexibly and increase potential returns!
Assuming customer buy China Merchants Bank (03968) shares several times via Net Banking Channel within a trade day, the securities account with brokerage rate 0.25% (minimum brokerage charge HK$80) :
- Brokerage
fee without “HK Stocks Combine-trade Offer”:
Stock Quantity Trading Channel Executed Price
(HK$)Transaction Amount
(HK$)Brokerage Fee
(HK$)1st transaction
Net Banking
2nd transaction
Net Banking
3rd transaction
Net Banking
$261.25 -
If “HK Stocks Combine-trade Offer” is applied, the brokerage fee for the above 3 transactions is only $82,140x0.25%=$205.35
- “HK Stocks Combine-trade Offer” is valid from 1 April 2014 till further notice.
- This offer is applicable to Cash Securities Account and Margin Securities Account.
- This offer is applicable to HK stocks transactions via any trading channels. Then combine-trade will be counted separately by individual channel.
- This offer is not applicable to any transactions with fixed brokerage fee or transactions with brokerage fee less than the standard minimum brokerage charge of all trading channels.
- “HK Stocks Combine-trade Offer” is calculated on individual account basis. More than one buy transaction (or more than one sell transaction) conducted via the same channel within a trade day will be combined as a single buy transaction (or a single sell transaction). The required brokerage fee will be calculated at pre-defined brokerage rate of each securities account according to the total buy (or sell) transaction amount after combination. The minimum brokerage charge of each trading channel is still applied to the combined transaction.
- CMB Wing Lung Bank (‘the Bank”) reserves the right to suspend, amend, or terminate any offers, and/or amend the Terms and Conditions thereof at any time without prior notice. Should there be any disputes relating to the offers and the Terms and Conditions thereof, the Bank’s explanation and decision shall be final.
- For information relating to the Terms and Conditions, service charges and promotional offers of our securities services, please refer to our latest promotional leaflets and Service Charge Schedule.
- If there is any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The above information is for reference only and does not constitute and should not be regarded as any offer to purchase or sell. Investment involves risks and the price of securities may fluctuate or even become worthless. Losses may be incurred rather than making a profit as a result of dealing in securities. You should carefully and independently consider whether the securities are suitable for you in light of your investment experience, objectives, financial position and risk profile. This advertisement has not been authorized by the Securities and Futures Commission. Independent professional advice should be obtained if necessary. Please read the relevant terms and conditions together with the risk disclosure statements in the General Conditions for Accounts and Services before making any investment decisions.
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